Luke 12:22-34 Life Security
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# Life Security ## Luke 12:22-34 [Kelly Sikkema]( "caption") --- # Do I **worry** about my **future**? >>> + some: finances, career, edu + others: health, parents, kids + outlook + **emotional** response + to **uncertainty** about future ****** [22](# "ref") And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you,
do not be anxious about your life,
what you will eat,
nor about your body, what you will put on. [23](# "ref") For life is more than food,
and the body more than clothing. [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.1/7)](# "ref") ****** [24](# "ref") Consider the ravens:
they neither sow nor reap,
they have neither storehouse nor barn,
and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.2/7)](# "ref") ****** [25](# "ref") And which of you by being anxious
can add a single hour to his span of life? [26](# "ref") If then you are not able to do
as small a thing as that,
why are you anxious about the rest? [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.3/7)](# "ref") ****** [27](# "ref") Consider the lilies, how they grow:
they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you,
even Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these. [28](# "ref") But if God so clothes the grass,
which is alive in the field today,
and tomorrow is thrown into the oven,
how much more will he clothe you,
O you of little faith! [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.4/7)](# "ref") ****** [29](# "ref") And do not seek what you are to eat
and what you are to drink, nor be worried. [30](# "ref") For all the nations of the world
seek after these things,
and your Father knows that you need them. [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.5/7)](# "ref") ****** [31](# "ref") Instead, seek his kingdom,
and these things will be added to you. [32](# "ref") “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's
good pleasure to give you the kingdom. [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.6/7)](# "ref") ****** [33](# "ref") Sell your possessions, and give to the needy.
Provide yourselves with moneybags
that do not grow old,
with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail,
where no thief approaches
and no moth destroys. [34](# "ref") For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also. [Luke 12:22-34 (ESV) (p.7/7)](# "ref") --- ## Luke 12:22-34 1. Anxiety [(v22-24)](# "ref") 1. Ability [(v25-28)](# "ref") 1. Aim [(v29-34)](# "ref") >>> + **worry**, emotional response + seeking for **security** + inability to **provide** for self + **dependency** on God + **treasure**, priorities --- [22](# "ref") Do not be **anxious** about your life,
what you will **eat**,
nor about your body, what you will **put on**. [23](# "ref") For **life** is more than food,
and the **body** more than clothing. [Luke 12:22-23 (ESV)](# "ref") [Gabby Orcutt]( "caption") >>> + not that **life**/body not important + but **food** != life + **necessities** do not **define** you + remember v15, Jesus' warning abt **covetousness**: --- One's **life** does not consist
in the abundance of his **possessions**. [Luke 12:15b (ESV)](# "ref") [Vita Vilcina, Spain]( "caption") >>> + what does it mean to be **alive**? + **identity**: who God made you to be + not what you **own** + not being able to **provide** for self + not indulging selfish **desires** + to **play** + have fun --- Consider the **ravens**: they neither sow nor reap,
they have neither **storehouse** nor barn,
and yet God **feeds** them. Of how much more **value** are you
than the birds! [Luke 12:24 (ESV)](# "ref") [Lancaster County, PA. Barth Bailey]( "caption") >>> + two **examples**: food + clothing + **consider**: think deeply about + sow/reap: **annual** cycle of labour + barn: **savings** for the future + live only **day** to day + but God **provides** for necessities + e.g., daily **manna**: --- In the wilderness He fed you **manna**
which your fathers did not know, that He might **humble** you
and that He might **test** you,
to do **good** for you in the end. [Deuteronomy 8:16-17 (NASB) (p.1/2)](# "ref") >>> + only 1 **day**'s worth of food + sometimes God does not **allow** us to + **store** up much for the future + to **humble** us so we are not proud + or trust in own **power** --- Otherwise, you may say in your heart,
‘My **power** and the strength of my **hand**
made me this **wealth**.’ [Deuteronomy 8:16-17 (NASB) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + to **test** the purity of our **faith** + do we **really** believe in God? + for our own **benefit**, good in the end + but not always seen **immediately** --- # What do I
**worry** about?
What gives me **security**? --- ## Luke 12:22-34 1. Anxiety [(v22-24)](# "ref") 1. **Ability** [(v25-28)](# "ref") 1. Aim [(v29-34)](# "ref") --- And which of you by being **anxious**
can add a single **hour** to his span of life? [26](# "ref") If then you are not able to do
as **small** a thing as that,
why are you anxious about the **rest**? [Luke 12:25-26 (ESV)](# "ref") [Melitopol, Ukraine. Rodion Kutsaev]( "caption") >>> + **span** of life: age, maturity + from birth to **death** + **worry** / anxiety does no good: + split/**divided** attention + unable to **focus** on God's kingdom + **emotional** response in anxiety + **health**: consumed by diet / exercise + **safety**: check locks 10x each night + give self **busy work** + illusion of **control** over life + but ultimately, we are **powerless** + not even one **hour** + this **smallest** thing + don't worry about the **remainder** + God **provides** for our necessities + even more than the **birds**, flowers: --- Consider the **lilies**, how they grow: [Luke 12:27 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Paweł Czerwiński]( "caption") >>> + small field **flowers** --- they neither **toil** nor spin, yet I tell you,
even **Solomon** in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these. [Luke 12:27 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + toil: **stress** / tiring of labour + spin: as wool/thread: **make** + not just that God **provides** + but provides **abundantly** + and **beautifully** --- For you know how you ought to **imitate** us,
because we were not **idle**
when we were with you,
[8](# "ref") nor did we eat anyone's **bread**
without paying for it, [2 Thessalonians 3:7-8,10 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Elaine Casap]( "caption") --- [8](# "ref") but with **toil and labor**
we worked **night and day**,
that we might not be a **burden** to any of you [10](# "ref") If anyone is not willing to **work**,
let him not **eat**. [2 Thessalonians 3:7-8,10 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + v10 good for **teens**! + had the **right** to expect church to provide + was **serving** church in gospel + but did not **exercise** that right + in order to lead by **example**: + not **idle** / doing **busy work** --- Are not five **sparrows** sold for two pennies?
And not one of them is **forgotten** before God. [7](# "ref") Why, even the **hairs** of your head
are all **numbered**. **Fear** not;
you are of more **value** than many sparrows. [Luke 12:6-7 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **purpose** of eat healthy, exercise, rest? + to be **ready** for God's work + **not** to prolong **life** --- But if God so clothes the **grass**,
which is alive in the **field** today,
and tomorrow is thrown into the **oven**, how much more will he **clothe** you,
O you of little **faith**! [Luke 12:28 (ESV)](# "ref") [Geran de Klerk, Gävle, Sweden]( "caption") >>> + focus is not on **birds**/flowers, but + on compassion of our **Father** + and hence our **response** in faith --- # Do I **trust** in
my own **ability**
to provide? --- ## Luke 12:22-34 1. Anxiety [(v22-24)](# "ref") 1. Ability [(v25-28)](# "ref") 1. **Aim** [(v29-34)](# "ref") --- And do not **seek** what you are to eat
and what you are to drink, nor be **worried**. [Luke 12:29 (ESV)](# "ref") [Alex Jones]( "caption") >>> + seek: **search**, pursue, as for philosophical truth + worry: **suspended** in midair + **waiting** for life/finances to be **stable** + not about becoming **rich**, but + freedom from **worry** about necessities --- For all the nations of the **world**
seek after these things, and your **Father knows** that you need them. [Luke 12:30 (ESV)](# "ref") [Geetanjal Khanna]( "caption") >>> + human **nature**, the world pursues this + the **needs** are real: food, shelter, security + but our **Father** knows + so what **should** we focus on? --- **Instead**, seek his **kingdom**,
and these things will be added to you. [Luke 12:31 (ESV)](# "ref") [Iceland. Davide Cantelli]( "caption") >>> + instead: **only**, just this one thing + seek: w/**intent**, pursue, strive + purpose to **discern**, find out for sure + as of philosophical inquiry + **investigate** to conclusion + **kingdom**: make Christ **king** in our hearts + **act** as servants of the High King + **proclaim** His kingship and authority + what is it we **fear**? + not being able to **provide** for ourselves? + or do we fear **God** foremost? --- **Sell** your possessions, and **give** to the needy. Provide yourselves with **moneybags**
that do not grow **old**, [Luke 12:33 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Steve Johnson]( "caption") >>> + give **alms**: mercy + not a **scheme** to get you to + **offer** more money to church! + thinking is still **focused** on money + by **giving**, we: + train our **reliance** on God's providence + learn to emulate His **mercy** --- with a **treasure** in the heavens
that does not **fail**, where no **thief** approaches
and no **moth** destroys. [Luke 12:33 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") [Steve Johnson]( "caption") >>> + **safest** place for our investment + worldly wealth is not **reliable**: + **external** threats (thieves) + **internal** loss of utility (decay) --- Let the **lowly** brother boast in his **exaltation**,
[10](# "ref") and the **rich** in his **humiliation**, because like a **flower** of the grass
he will **pass away**. [James 1:9-10 (ESV)](# "ref") [Dominik Martin]( "caption") >>> + flowers are **beautiful** but don't last + we are **worth** much more than flowers + not **defined** by what you **own** + use the fleeting **riches** of this world + to **invest** in lasting treasure + rich **young man**: kept all **commandments** + **morally** irreproachable + but **missing** one important thing: --- One thing you still **lack**.
**Sell** all that you have and distribute to the **poor**,
and you will have **treasure in heaven**;
and come, **follow me** [Luke 18:22 (ESV)](# "ref") [Nikolay Svishchev-Paola, "Beggar with a Lyra", 1900](,_by_Svishchev-Paola_1900s.jpg "caption") >>> + learn **dependence** on God + show **mercy** to others as God has to us + let go of earthly **treasure** + in order to gain **heavenly** treasure + **follow** in Christ's footsteps --- “**Fear** not, little **flock**,
for it is your **Father's** good pleasure
to give you the **kingdom**. [Luke 12:32 (ESV)](# "ref") [Gemma Evans]( "caption") >>> + little flock: term of **affection** + we are **small**, powerless + but our **powerful** Shepherd guides us + and has a **promise** of future hope + **crown** of life to those who've **persevered** + **strength** / resilience in **this** life: --- In everything **commending** ourselves as **servants** of God as **sorrowful** yet always **rejoicing**,
as **poor** yet making many **rich**,
as having **nothing** yet possessing **all** things [2 Corinthians 6:4,10 (NASB)](# "ref") [Raphael, "St. Paul Preaching in Athens", 1515]( "caption") >>> + focus on **God** as our Master + not afraid to put ourselves **out** there + display our own **frailty** + to highlight God's abundant **provision** --- For where your **treasure** is,
there will your **heart** be also. [Luke 12:34 (ESV)](# "ref") [Anas Belmadani]( "caption") >>> + treasure: act of **storing** up + walk **seashore**: collect pretty **stones** + as we **walk** through life, + are we **seeking** opportunity to show **mercy**? --- # Where is my **treasure**?
What is **precious**
to me? --- **Sell** your possessions, and **give** to the needy. Provide yourselves with **moneybags**
that do not grow **old**, with a **treasure** in the heavens
that does not **fail**, where no **thief** approaches
and no **moth** destroys. [Luke 12:33-34 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") --- For where your **treasure** is,
there will your **heart** be also. [Luke 12:33-34 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") ---